What We Do

Delivering sustainable solutions for every waste challenge

Each day we're working to transform the very definition of waste. We've got the infrastructure, technology, and imagination to solve complex waste management challenges and help create a sustainable and more prosperous future for businesses and communities. And when you partner with us, we'll rally every resource to achieve your goals.

Reduce Risk

From high-risk materials to wastewater treatment to reliable industrial and field solutions, we securely manage sensitive waste while complying with regulations, reducing liability, and protecting people and the environment.
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Renew Value

We’re experts in resource optimization. Whether it’s achieved through recovering and recycling metal, depackaging and repurposing products, or renewable fuel and energy recovery, we’ll help you create unmatched value from your waste materials.
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Reimagine Possibilities

Leave the challenges to us, so you can focus on your priorities. We’re constantly reimagining ways to exceed your sustainability goals, harnessing our nationwide network of facilities to craft customized solutions to get you there.
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    Resources at the ready to serve your industry

    Our capabilities serve the complete waste needs of diverse industries and communities, so we can roll up our sleeves alongside you and deliver tailor-made solutions from the get-go.

  • Providing safe solutions we can stand behind

    With varied skills, from engineering to operations, we always aim higher with our work, partnering with the people we serve to build a smarter, more sustainable world.

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Join our team for a rewarding career partnering with colleagues, customers, and communities to solve one of society’s greatest challenges. At Reworld, innovation is encouraged and everyone’s ideas are valued.

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