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Reworld™ Huntsville Participates in World Cleanup Day by Cleaning Adopt-A-Spot on Triana Blvd.

September 17, 2024

Huntsville, AL – In honor of World Cleanup Day, Reworld™ Huntsville is proud to announce its participation in this global environmental movement by organizing a community cleanup effort. On Friday, September 20, Reworld™ employees will come together to clean up the Adopt-A-Spot mile on Triana Blvd. SW in Huntsville.

World Cleanup Day unites millions of volunteers, governments, and organizations across the globe to tackle the issue of waste mismanagement. Reworld™ Huntsville is excited to contribute to this cause by beautifying a local stretch of road that the company has proudly adopted.

“Our team is deeply committed to environmental stewardship, and World Cleanup Day provides the perfect opportunity to put our values into action,” said Tom Turner, Facility Manager at Reworld™ Huntsville. “We’re excited to clean up our Adopt-A-Spot and help make the Huntsville community a cleaner, safer place.”

The cleanup initiative will be conducted by Reworld™ Huntsville employees, who are volunteering their time to pick up litter and debris along the roadway.

This effort is part of the company’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and community involvement. By participating in World Cleanup Day and maintaining their Adopt-A-Spot, Reworld™ Huntsville is contributing to a greener, more vibrant future for the area.

Reworld™ Huntsville is a Thermomechanical Treatment Facility that processes 170,000 tons of municipal solid waste. By diverting waste from methane producing landfills, the facility avoids over 279,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases every year. This is equivalent to removing 69,000 vehicles off the roads.


About Reworld™: Reworld™ is a leader in sustainable waste solutions, providing innovative and environmentally responsible services to a global community. Reworld™ is committed to advancing zero waste initiatives and supporting sustainability goals through state-of-the-art technologies that reimagine, reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and renew. For more information, visit


Media Contact
Nicolle Robles 
(862) 345-5245




A major source of net carbon negative energy

8 acquisitions
For each ton of waste we recover for energy, Covanta saves 1 ton of CO2 equivalents (CO2e). In 2022, we avoided 19 million metric tons of CO2e.

A major source of net carbon negative energy

8 acquisitions
For each ton of waste we recover for energy, Covanta saves 1 ton of CO2 equivalents (CO2e). In 2022, we avoided 19 million metric tons of CO2e.

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