Resource Reuse & Recycling

Partner with Reworld to make sustainability your strong suit. We transform refuse into a resource, leveraging our technology to reuse, recycle and recover value from almost every imaginable kind of waste stream.

Innovative value creation is what we do best

Advancing a circular economy isn’t just the environmentally responsible thing to do. It’s a way to access untapped potential for your business. With our solutions, we can help you create new revenue streams, optimize and conserve your resources and drive efficiencies, improving your bottom line.

Reduce your impact while realizing meaningful benefits

  • Support your sustainability goals by reducing your business’s carbon footprint
  • Mitigate legal and brand-related risks associated with landfilling
  • Gain revenue through sale of recycled resources
  • Save on raw materials costs by incorporating recyclable, renewable and biodegradable materials throughout your supply chain
  • Boost your company’s reputation as a beneficial steward of the environment, human health and wildlife

Driving lasting, meaningful change through powerful transformations

Our capabilities across waste streams can ensure your salvageable resources are found, properly processed and optimized, bringing you added value and efficiency.

Metals recycling

Incorporates a variety of technologies to recover metal remaining in ash after combustion, conserving resources and offsetting the need to mine for more.

Plastic & packaged goods recycling

Efficient and secure depackaging of food items, cleaning products and other “not to be sold” goods, plus solutions for repurposing both product and packaging.

Electronic waste recycling

Resource recovery and secure destruction of sensitive and high-risk materials through mechanical shredding that renders them completely unrecoverable and prevents toxic materials from damaging the environment.

Universal waste recycling

Management of common hazardous waste items such as bulbs, batteries and thermometers, with option of a comprehensive, prepaid recycling program.

Total ash processing

Reuse of ash residue that remains after waste-to-energy processing for construction material, such as hot-mix asphalt and concrete.

Recycled animal bedding

A safe and innovative alternative to hay that is warmer, more durable and absorbent, and helps livestock and dairy farms to release fewer emissions.

10 M+
pounds of electronic waste recycled per year
1.8 M
tons of waste recycled or reused each year
1.2 M
tons of greenhouse gases saved through metal recycling each year
400 k+
barrels of petroleum recovered for resale each year

Ramp up your recycling

Finding effective ways to integrate recycling into your company’s operations is a high-value opportunity. Get tips for navigating the challenges and learn about concrete steps you can take to maximize your efforts in our featured story. 

Did you know?

Some 2%–3% of all post-recycled waste is metal that can be recycled, and we recycle or reuse approximately 95% of electronic waste materials, including plastics and metals.

Certified electronic waste recycling

Every year, Reworld™ recycles tens of millions of pounds of e-waste.
  • Electronics recycling for end of life devices 
  • IT Asset Disposition services for reusable equipment (wipe, refurbish, resell laptops, monitors, etc.) 
  • Legislative compliance – Fulfillment of state-mandated electronics EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) obligations for electronic manufacturers
  • Mail-back e-recycling programs for OEM partners 
  • Secure shredding of data-sensitive devices, including hard drives

Our electronic waste recycling facility, EcoReworld, LLC, located at 2209 S. 58th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19143, holds e-Stewards, NAID "AAA", ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications, which signify that we adhere to the cleanest, most globally responsible standards for e-waste recycling while protecting confidential data. We also audit all of our downstream recycling partners to make sure they follow our standards.

See documents for more information:

TAPS: A unique technology at work

  • Our Total Ash Processing System takes ash from waste-to-energy facilities and further separates it into its component parts.
  • Small metal fractions are recycled, and aggregate is reused in construction material for roads, parking lots and commercial projects.
  • This process can reduce the amount of ash needing disposal in landfills by as much as 65%.

Hydrocarbon refining and recycling

  • Our distillation services treat and repurpose petroleum and petrochemical off-spec products and transmix.
  • Through oil re-refining technology we recover and repurpose off-spec product from tank-cleaning projects and slop oil emulsion.
  • Our recovery and treatment systems biologically extract oils and fuels from wastewater, enabling us to recycle everything.
  • We blend a broad range of refinery and petrochemical products from various markets in our fuel oil blending program, which helps power the industrial sector.

Benefiting the well-being of business, people and beyond

  • Sustainability-TEAL


    Waste is efficiently and environmentally treated and reused, recycled or safely returned to nature as raw components, creating cycles that optimize resource value, reduce carbon footprints and regenerate ecosystems.

  • Profit-TEAL


    Waste is effectively and economically separated into recoverable components, utilizing resources that offset raw material costs, can be sold for new revenue and spur material rebates.

  • Assurance-TEAL


    Waste is diligently and discreetly rendered unrecoverable, mitigating liabilities that compromise privacy, expose intellectual property and impact brand reputation.

More about Resource Reuse and Recycling